Sunday 29 May 2016

Term 2 Week 5 2016


Make sure that you have completed:

  • Ex 1, p.25-28, Translational Motion
  • Q2, Handout, Lab Exercise

New Homework

  • Ex 2, p. 41-45, Rotational Motion

Rotational Momentum (Angular Momentum)

For a point mass L = Pr

Linear Momentum times the radius distance between the point mass and the axis of rotation
Momentum: Rotational Linear
Equation: L = I P = mv
Units: kgm2s-1  kgms-1

  • Rotational Momentum and Linear Momentum have different units so they cannot be equated with each other and are independent of each other.
  • Rotational Momentum obeys the same law of conservation that Linear Momentum obeys. In the absence of outside forces, total momentum is always conserved.


Egg Spinning

Rotational Kinetic Energy

Energy: Rotational Linear
Equation: Ek(rot) = ½I2 Ek(lin) = ½mv2
Units: Joule Joule

  • Rotational Kinetic Energy and Linear Kinetic Energy have the same unit so they can be equated with each other and are interdependent on each other.
  • The law of conservation of total energy can be applied with all types of energy. You will be using mostly gravitational potential, linear kinetic, and rotational kinetic energies.

  • Total Kinetic Energy = Ek(rot) + Ek(lin)
= (½I⍵2) + (½mv2 )

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