Sunday 22 May 2016

Term 2 Week 4 2016


Make sure that you have completed:

  • Ex 1, p.25-28, Translational Motion
  • Q2, Handout, Lab Exercise

Rotational Motion:

  • Q1, p.31 Rotational Kinematics

Rotational Kinematics

Radian Measure

Radian Measure is used so that we can easily calculate an arc length, d (m), given an angle, š›‰ (Rad) and the radius, r (m).

d = rš›‰

This in turn allows us to relate velocity, v (ms-1) to angular velocity ⍵ (rads-1), in the same way.

v = r⍵

also ⍵ = 2š…f

 This also allows us to relate acceleration, a (ms-2), to angular acceleration, Ī± (rads-2), in the same way.

a = rĪ±

The rotational kinematics work just like the translational kinematic equations when there is a constant acceleration.

  • f = ⍵i + Ī±t vf = vi + at
  • f2 = ⍵i2 + 2Ī±š›‰ vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
  •  š›‰ = ⍵it + ½Ī±t2 d = vit + ½a2
  •  š›‰ = ½(⍵i + ⍵f)t d = ½(vi + vf)t
Rotational Inertia


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