Tuesday 19 September 2023

Week 10 Term 3 2023 Part 2


  • Act 4A, p.56 Properties of Waves
  • Act 5A, p.73-74 Standing Waves
  • Act 5B, p.79-80 Music
  • Ex 3D, p.75-79, Standing Waves and Music

  • Act 6A, p.85-86 The Doppler Effect
  • Ex 3E, p.81-84, Beats

Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect: what does motion do to waves?

Doppler Effect

Intro to the Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect Observed Frequency Equation

Sonic Boom

Doppler Shifting Song


two waves of a similar frequency (similar wavelength) superimpose to come in and out of phase causing constructive and deconstructive interference respectively. This causes a warbling/beat sound of frequency (fb) equal to the difference in respective frequencies

fb = | f1 - f2 |

Wave Beats

Easy Beats- Physics

Wine Glass Resonance in Slow Motion

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