Thursday 4 March 2021

Term 1 Week 5 2021


  • Activity 11A, p.176 Waves & Photons (last week)
  • Activity 11B, p.179 Photoelectric Effect (last week)
  • Activity 11C, p.183 Atomic Line Spectra
  • Activity 11D, p.188-189 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
  • Activity 12A, p.194 E = mc^2

When is now Relativity and Neurology

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission; splitting the atom for beginners

Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics #45

Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38

Nuclear Chemistry Part 2: Fusion and Fission - Crash Course Chemistry #39

Nuclear Fission

  • The breaking up of a larger nucleus into smaller nuclei
  • The decrease in mass per nucleon, matches the increase in binding energu per nucleon
  • This binding energy per nucleon is a negative energy and represents energy that is lost (radiated away) during the reaction. 
  • Binding energy per nucleon also represents the energy that would need to be added to liberate a nucleon from the nucleus
Nuclear Fission

Fission & Fusion

Nuclear Fusion
  • The joining of smaller nuclei into a larger nucleus
  • The decrease in mass per nucleon, matches the increase in binding energu per nucleon
  • This binding energy per nucleon is a negative energy and represents energy that is lost (radiated away) during the reaction. 
  • Binding energy per nucleon also represents the energy that would need to be added to liberate a nucleon from the nucleus

Nuclear Fusion

Fusion Energy

Binding Energy per Nucleon

Nuclear Reaction E = mc2

Binding Energy per Nucleon

Binding Energy per Nucleon is a negative energy or a debt of energy. This is the amount of energy it would take to liberate a nucleon from the nucleus. This energy was originally radiated off when the nucleus formed.

The energy radiated off, the Binding energy, is lost energy and comes from mass that is lost by the nucleons. Mass per Nucleon shows what is left over once a bound nucleon has radiated away some of its mass.

Mass per Nucleon

Fission:The breaking up of a larger nucleus into smaller daughter nuclei. Anything above Iron will radiate off energy.

The joining of smaller nuclei into a larger nucleus. Anything below Iron will radiate off energy.

Fission & Fusion


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