Monday 23 September 2019

Term 3 Week 10 2019


  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6H, p.303-305 Inductance in D.C. Circuits
  • Ex 6I, p.308-310 Inductors Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6J, p.311-312 Transformers
  • Ex 6K, p.314-315 A.C. Peak and r.m.s.
  • Ex 6L, p.316-317 A.C. Capacitor Reactance
  • Ex 6M, p.319-320 A.C. Inductor Reactance
  • Ex 6N, 321-324 A.C. RCL Impedance

  • RCL Phase Relationships

    Impedance of a Capacitor Resistor Circuit
    Z = √(XC2 + R2)
    θ = tan-1(-XC/R) = tan-1(-VC/VR)
    The Capacitor Reactance is 90° behind the Resistance
    The Capacitor Voltage is 90° behind the Resistor Voltage

    Impedance of a Inductor Resistor Circuit
    Z = √(XL2 + R2)
    θ = tan-1(XL/R) = tan-1(VL/VR)
    The Inductor Reactance is 90° ahead of the Resistance
    The Inductor Voltage is 90° ahead of the Resistor Voltage

    Impedance of a RCL Circuit
    Z = √((XL - XC)2+ R2)
    θ = tan-1((XL - XC)/R) = tan-1((VL - VC)/VR)


    A.C. Circuits & Resonance

    MIT Physics Demo -- Resonant RLC Circuit

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