Sunday 10 March 2019

Term 1 Week 6 2019


  • Activity 11A, p.176 Waves & Photons (last week)
  • Activity 11B, p.179 Photoelectric Effect (last week)
  • Activity 11C, p.183 Atomic Line Spectra
  • Ex 5A, p.197-198 Quantum (Revision)
  • Ex 5B, p.205-108 Photo-electric effect (Revision)
  • Ex 5D, p.221-222 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom (Revision)
  • Ex 5E, p.228-230 Bohr Energy Levels (Revision)
  • Activity 12B, p.199-200 Nuclear Reactions (Revision)
  • Ex 5F, p.234-236 Mass-Energy (Revision)
  • Ex 5G, p.242-246 E = mc^2 (Revision)

Revision for the Atomic & Nuclear Assessment Week 7

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