Wednesday 25 September 2019

Term 4 Week 1 2019

Exam Revision NCEA Level 3 Physics Exam Revision

Wave Systems | NCEA Level 3 Physics | StudyTime NZ

Mechanical Systems | NCEA Level 3 Physics | StudyTime NZ

Electrical Systems | NCEA Level 3 Physics | StudyTime NZ

Monday 23 September 2019

Term 3 Week 10 2019


  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6H, p.303-305 Inductance in D.C. Circuits
  • Ex 6I, p.308-310 Inductors Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6J, p.311-312 Transformers
  • Ex 6K, p.314-315 A.C. Peak and r.m.s.
  • Ex 6L, p.316-317 A.C. Capacitor Reactance
  • Ex 6M, p.319-320 A.C. Inductor Reactance
  • Ex 6N, 321-324 A.C. RCL Impedance

  • RCL Phase Relationships

    Impedance of a Capacitor Resistor Circuit
    Z = √(XC2 + R2)
    θ = tan-1(-XC/R) = tan-1(-VC/VR)
    The Capacitor Reactance is 90° behind the Resistance
    The Capacitor Voltage is 90° behind the Resistor Voltage

    Impedance of a Inductor Resistor Circuit
    Z = √(XL2 + R2)
    θ = tan-1(XL/R) = tan-1(VL/VR)
    The Inductor Reactance is 90° ahead of the Resistance
    The Inductor Voltage is 90° ahead of the Resistor Voltage

    Impedance of a RCL Circuit
    Z = √((XL - XC)2+ R2)
    θ = tan-1((XL - XC)/R) = tan-1((VL - VC)/VR)


    A.C. Circuits & Resonance

    MIT Physics Demo -- Resonant RLC Circuit

    Monday 16 September 2019

    Term 3 Week 7 2019

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6H, p.303-305 Inductance in D.C. Circuits
  • Ex 6I, p.308-310 Inductors Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6J, p.311-312 Transformers

  • Right Hand Screw Rule

    Right Hand Slap Rule

    Magnetic Flux

    Lenz's Law

    Faraday;'s Law & Lenz's Law


    The ratio of the secondary to primary voltage is equal to the ratio of the secondary to primary turns

    Vs/Vp = Ns/Np

    In an Ideal Transforme
    Secondary Power = Primary Power
    In reality, energy is lost through heat from eddy currents generated in the soft iron core from the changing flux.

    NB: As Voltage is often referred to as e.m.f. the Symbol "e" or "E" is often used in engineering to refer to e.m.f.
    This is the case in the video below.
    After explaining how basic Transformers work, this video goes on to explain 3-Phase Transformers.

    NZ Street Step-Down Transformer

    Internal Diagram of a Transformer

    Faraday Cage

    Tesla Coil & Faraday Cage

    Exploding Cans with Electromagnets

    Levitating with Electromagnets

    Sunday 18 August 2019

    Term 3 Week 3 2019

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge

  • Capacitor
    C = Q/V

    Basic Definition
    Physical Parameters
    Energy Stored
    Ep = ½ QV

    Capacitors & Capacitance

    An insulating material placed in between the capacitor plates to increase the Capacitance

    C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d

    Dielectrics in Capacitors

    Capacitor Circuits

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel vs Capacitors in Series

    Capacitors in Combination
    Series & Parallel Capacitors

    Capacitors in Combination
    Patrallel & Series Capacitors

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating Voltage Drop

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating the Charge Stored

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating Voltage Drop

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating the Charge Stored

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

    Capacitor Charge & Discharge

    RC Circuits 1: Charging and Discharging a Capacitor