Monday 24 October 2016

Term 4 Week 2 2016

Review of Electricity Mock Exam

NZIP 2016 Exam Phy 3.6 AS 91526

RCL Phase Relationships

Impedance of a Capacitor Resistor Circuit
Z = √(XC2 + R2)
θ = tan-1(-XC/R) = tan-1(-VC/VR)
The Capacitor Reactance is 90° behind the Resistance
The Capacitor Voltage is 90° behind the Resistor Voltage

Impedance of a Inductor Resistor Circuit
Z = √(XL2 + R2)
θ = tan-1(XL/R) = tan-1(VL/VR)
The Inductor Reactance is 90° ahead of the Resistance
The Inductor Voltage is 90° ahead of the Resistor Voltage

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