Tuesday 9 February 2016

Term 1 Week 2

Photoelectric Effect

The concept of the Photoelectric Effect was introduced and how light modeled as a particle can explain this, while light modeled as a wave cannot.

The above video explains the Photoelectric Effect using a PhET application which I encourage you to use and experiment with.
This can be found at:

Planck's Constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js

Energy of a Photon E = hf

Threshold Frequency fo , the frequency of incident photons that have an energy equal to the work function of the metal

Work Function φ = energy required to free an electron from a specific metal (J)

Maximum Kinetic EnergyEk,  of a freed electron by an incident photon:
Ek = hf - φ

Homework: Activity 11B from your textbook

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