Monday 22 February 2016

Term 1 Week 4

E = mc2


  • Activity 12A Mass-Energy Equivalence, p.194
  • Exercise 10 Modern Physics, p.189-198 - Workbook - This will be assessed.

Nuclear Reactions

E = Δmc2

Radioactive Isotopes

PhET Applications:

  • Nuclear Fission
  • Alpha Decay
  • Beta Decay:
  • Models of the Hygrogen Atom
  • Photoelectric Effect

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Power Station

Monday 15 February 2016

Term 1 Week 3

Photoelectric Effect HW Activity 11B Question 2

Answers here

Atomic Line Spectra

Hydrogen Emission and Absorption Spectra for the visible Balmer Series

Hydrogen Emission Spectra for each Series and where they come from

Working with the Rydberg Equation

1/λ = R(1/S2 – 1/L2)

λ: Wavelength (m)
R: Rydberg Constant
R = 1.097 x 107 m-1
S: Series Number
L: Line Number

L > S

Bohr Moderl Of Hydrogen Atom


  • Activity 11C, p. 183 Text. Spectral Lines
  • Activity 11D, p. 188 Text. Atomic Energy Levels

Nuclear Reactions

Conservation of Energy-Mass E = mc2

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Term 1 Week 2

Photoelectric Effect

The concept of the Photoelectric Effect was introduced and how light modeled as a particle can explain this, while light modeled as a wave cannot.

The above video explains the Photoelectric Effect using a PhET application which I encourage you to use and experiment with.
This can be found at:

Planck's Constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js

Energy of a Photon E = hf

Threshold Frequency fo , the frequency of incident photons that have an energy equal to the work function of the metal

Work Function φ = energy required to free an electron from a specific metal (J)

Maximum Kinetic EnergyEk,  of a freed electron by an incident photon:
Ek = hf - φ

Homework: Activity 11B from your textbook

Monday 8 February 2016

Term 1 Week 1

Review of Waves and Light as a Wave

Reviewed fundamentals of waves:

  • Transverse Waves (e.g. light waves)
  • Longitudinal Waves (e.g. sound waves)
  • Amplitude - A, x, y (meters - m)
  • Wavelength - λ (meters - m)
  • Period - T (seconds per cycle - s)
  • Frequency - f (Hertz {cycles per second} - Hz)
  • Angular Velocity - ω (radians per second - rad/s)
  • Wave Speed - v (Meters per second - m/s)

Reviewed Two Point Source Interference from last year and introduced the idea of Multiple Point Source Interference

White Light is made up of different frequencies of Electromagnetic Waves