Thursday, 27 February 2025

Week 4 Term 1 2025 Nuclear Reactions


Photoelectric Effect, Atomic Line Spectra, & Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

  • Activity 11A, p.188-189 Waves & Photons
  • Activity 11B, p.192 Photoelectric Effect
  • Exercise 5B, p.205-208 Photoelectric Effect
  • Ex 5C, p.212-215 Photoelectric Effect
  • Act 11C, p.196 Atomic Line Spectra
  • Act 11D, p.200-201 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
  • Ex 5D, p.221-222 Atomic Models
  • Ex 5E, p.228-230 Atomic Line Spectra

Nuclear Reactions
  • Activity 12 A, p.194, Mass-Energy Equivalence
  • Activity 12B, p.213-214, Nuclear Reactions
  • Ex 5F, p.234-236 Mass - Energy Equivalance
  • Ex 5G, p.242-246 Mass Deficit and Binding Energy

Nuclear Reaction E = mc2

Nuclear Chemistry Part 1

Nuclear Chemistry Part 2

Binding Energy per Nucleon

Binding Energy per Nucleon is a negative energy or a debt of energy. This is the amount of energy it would take to liberate a nucleon from the nucleus. This energy was originally radiated off when the nucleus formed.

The energy radiated off, the Binding energy, is lost energy and comes from mass that is lost by the nucleons. Mass per Nucleon shows what is left over once a bound nucleon has radiated away some of its mass.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Week 3 Term 1 2025 Photoelectric Effect and Atomic Line Spectra


  • Activity 11A, p.188-189 Waves & Photons
  • Activity 11B, p.192 Photoelectric Effect
  • Exercise 5B, p.205-208 Photoelectric Effect
  • Ex 5C, p.212-215 Photoelectric Effect
  • Act 11C, p.183 Atomic Line Spectra
  • Act 11D, p.188-189 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
  • Ex 5D, p.221-222 Atomic Models
  • Ex 5E, p.228-230 Atomic Line Spectra

Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric Effect A-Level Physics

ertz and Lenards Observation of Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric Effect

The concept of the Photoelectric Effect was introduced and how light modeled as a particle can explain this, while light modeled as a wave cannot.

The above video explains the Photoelectric Effect using a PhET application which I encourage you to use and experiment with.
This can be found at:

Planck's Constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js

Energy of a Photon E = hf

Threshold Frequency fo , the frequency of incident photons that have an energy equal to the work function of the metal

Work Function φ = energy required to free an electron from a specific metal (J)

Maximum Kinetic EnergyEk,  of a freed electron by an incident photon:
Ek = hf - φ

Electron Volts to Joules Conversion

How Quantum Mechanics Saved Physics From Ovens

Planck's Constant - Sixty Symbols

How Quantum Mechanics Saved Physics From Ovens

Planck's Constant - Sixty Symbols

Atomic Line Spectra

Hydrogen Emission and Absorption Spectra for the visible Balmer Series

Atomic Line Spectra for Hydrogen

Emission & Absorption Lines for Hydrogen

Emission Lines for Hydrogen

Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

 Bohr Model of the atom and Atomic Emission Spectra

Line Spectra & the Bohr Model

Emission and Absorption Line Spectra

Energy Levels

Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Atomic Spectroscopy Explained

Fine Structure Constant 1/137

I Never Intuatively Understood Atomic Orbitals Until Now