Wednesday 26 July 2023

Week 2 Term 3 2023


  • Act 13A, p.205-206 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Act 13B, p.210-211 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6A, p.251-253 Resistor Networks
  • Ex 6B, P.261-262 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Act 13C, p.214-216 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws

  • Kichhoff's Laws
    Kirchhoff’s Current Law
    At any junction in a circuit, the total current entering the junction equals the total current leaving the junction

    Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
    Around any closed path of a circuit, the total of all the potential differences, V, is zero

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Explanation

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 1

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 2

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 3

    Thursday 20 July 2023

    Week 1 Term 3 2023


  • Act 13A, p.205-206 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Act 13B, p.210-211 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6A, p.251-253 Resistor Networks
  • Ex 6B, P.261-262 Internal Resistance of a Battery

  • Electrical Charge

    Current is the rate of flow of Charge

    I = Δq/Δt


    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    V = ΔE/Q

    Ohm's Law & Resistance


    Circuit Symbols

    Ohm's Law

    Ohm's Law

    Internal Resistance of a Battery
    Batteries can be thought of as having an ideal voltage supply E.M.F. (Electromotive Force) in series with an internal resistance

    V = 𝛆 - Ir

    How to find the internal resistance of a battery

    Week 8 Term 2 2023


    • Ex 4A, p.100-102, C.O.M.
    • Ex 4B, p.108-112, Momentum & C.O.M. in 1D
    • Ex 4C, p.116-122, Momentum & C.O.M. in 2D
    • Act 7A, p.87-88 Motion, Force and Energy
    • Act 7B, p.91-92 Impulse
    • Act 7C, p.95-96 Conservation of Momentum
    • Act 7D, p.100-101 C.O.M.
    • Act 8A, p.120-121 Horizontal Circles and Banked Corners
    • Act 8B, p.124-125 Vertical Circles
    • Act 8C, p.129 Sattelites
    • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
    • Ex 4E, p.138-142, Vertical Circles
    • Ex 4F, p.145-147, Gravity
    • Ex 4G, p.153-156 Satallites
    • Act 9A, p. 128-129, Angular Motion
    • Act 9B, p. 133-135, Torque - Angular Force
    • Act 9C, p. 128-129, Angular Momentum
    • Ex 4H, p.160-162, Rotational Kinematics
    • Ex 4I, P.167-171, Rotational Force & Momentum
    • Ex 4J, p.175-177, Rotational Kinetic Energy
    • Act 10A, p. 148, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
    • Act 10B, p.153, Reference CIrcle
    • Act 10C, p. 158-160, SHM - displacement, velocity, acceleration
    • Act 10D, p. 164-165, Springs and Pendulums
    • Act 10E, p. 172, SHM Energy, Damped, Driven, Resonance
    • Ex 4K, p.184-187, Pendulums and Bouncing Springs
    • Ex 4L, p.191-194, SHM

    Simple Harmonic Motion - SHM


    Simple Harmonic Motion: Crash Course Physics

    Pendulum Wave Demonstration

    SHM & Energy

    Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillators

    Damped SHM

    Damping of Simple Harmonic Motion

    Damped SHM & Resonance

    Damped SHM & Resonance