Sunday 29 May 2022

Week 5 Term 2 2022


  • Act 7A, p.96-97 Motion, Force & Energy
  • Act 7B, p.100-102 Impulse
  • Act 7C, p.105-106 Conservation of Momentum
  • Act 7D, p.110-112 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4A, p.100-102 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4B, p. 108-112 C.O.M. & Momentum
  • Act 8A, p.120-121 Horizontal Circles and Banked Corners
  • Act 8B, p.124-125 Vertical Circles
  • Act 8C, p.129 Sattelites
  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
  • Ex 4E, p.138-142, Vertical Circles
  • Ex 4F, p.145-147, Gravity
  • Ex 4G, p.153-156 Satallites
  • Act 9A, p. 128-129, Angular Motion
  • Act 9B, p. 133-135, Torque - Angular Force
  • Act 9C, p. 128-129, Angular Momentum
  • Ex 4H, p.160-162, Rotational Kinematics
  • Ex 4I, P.167-171, Rotational Force & Momentum
  • Ex 4J, p.175-177, Rotational Kinetic Energy


Radian Measure is used so that we can easily calculate an arc length, d (m), given an angle, š›‰ (Rad) and the radius, r (m).

d = rš›‰

This in turn allows us to relate velocity, v (ms-1) to angular velocity ⍵ (rads-1), in the same way.

v = r⍵, 

also ⍵ = 2š…f

 This also allows us to relate acceleration, a (ms-2), to angular acceleration, Ī± (rads-2), in the same way.

a = rĪ±

The rotational kinematics work just like the translational kinematic equations when there is a constant acceleration.

Rotational Kinematics Review

Rotational Kinematics

Rotational Kinematics Physics: Problems, Basic Introduction, Equations & Formulas

Rotational Motion Physics, Basic Rotational Motion Physics: Introduction, 

Angular Velocity & Tangential Acceleration

Rotational Inertia

Rotational Inertia


Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum - Sixty Symbols

Gyroscopic Precession

Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics

Counter Steering Physics

The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies, Explained

Ellipzoids and the Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Week 4 Term 2 2022


  • Act 7A, p.96-97 Motion, Force & Energy
  • Act 7B, p.100-102 Impulse
  • Act 7C, p.105-106 Conservation of Momentum
  • Act 7D, p.110-112 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4A, p.100-102 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4B, p. 108-112 C.O.M. & Momentum
  • Act 8A, p.120-121 Horizontal Circles and Banked Corners
  • Act 8B, p.124-125 Vertical Circles
  • Act 8C, p.129 Sattelites
  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
  • Ex 4E, p.138-142, Vertical Circles
  • Ex 4F, p.145-147, Gravity
  • Ex 4G, p.153-156 Satallites

Banked Corners

Circular Motion - Banked Curves

Car on a Banked Corner

Free body diagram sine and cosine components

Vertical Circular Motion

Vertical Circular Motion

Walter Lewin Vertical Circular Motion

Gravitation: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics

Introduction to Newton's law of gravitation | Physics | Khan Academy

Speed of a Satellite in Circular Orbit, Orbital Velocity, Period, Centripetal Force

Gravity Visualised

How Do Satellites Get & Stay in Orbit?

Kepler’s First Law of Motion - Elliptical Orbits 

Kepler’s Second Law of Motion - Equal Area Equal Time Law

Kepler's Third Law of Motion - T2 ∝ R3

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Week 3 Term 2 2022


  • Act 7A, p.96-97 Motion, Force & Energy
  • Act 7B, p.100-102 Impulse
  • Act 7C, p.105-106 Conservation of Momentum
  • Act 7D, p.110-112 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4A, p.100-102 Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)
  • Ex 4B, p. 108-112 C.O.M. & Momentum

Translational Motion

Linear Motion

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton's Third Law

Free Body Diagrams

Tension Free Body Diagram

Center of Mass

Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)

Center of Mass - Science Theater 29

Centre of Mass + Momentum

Collision and C.O.M.

Momentum Collision in 2 Dimensions

Momentum in 2D Explained Graphically

How Hard Can You Hit a Golf Ball?