Monday 27 May 2019

Term 2 Week 5 2019


  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
  • Ex 4E, p. 138-142, Vertical Circles
  • Ex 4F, p.145-147, Gravity
  • Ex 4G, p.153-156, Circular Motion & Gravity
  • Ex 4H, p.160-162, Rotational Kinematics


Radian Measure is used so that we can easily calculate an arc length, d (m), given an angle, š›‰ (Rad) and the radius, r (m).

d = rš›‰

This in turn allows us to relate velocity, v (ms-1) to angular velocity ⍵ (rads-1), in the same way.

v = r⍵, 

also ⍵ = 2š…f

 This also allows us to relate acceleration, a (ms-2), to angular acceleration, Ī± (rads-2), in the same way.

a = rĪ±

The rotational kinematics work just like the translational kinematic equations when there is a constant acceleration.

Rotational Kinematic Equations

Rotational Kinematics Review

Rotational Kinematics

Rotational Kinematics Physics: Problems, Basic Introduction, Equations & Formulas

Rotational Motion Physics, Basic Rotational Motion Physics: Introduction, 

Angular Velocity & Tangential Acceleration


Monday 20 May 2019

Term 2 Week 4 2019


  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
  • Ex 4E, p. 138-142, Vertical Circles
  • Ex 4F, p.145-147, Gravity
  • Ex 4G, p.153-156, Circular Motion & Gravity

Gravitation: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics

Introduction to Newton's law of gravitation | Physics | Khan Academy

Speed of a Satellite in Circular Orbit, Orbital Velocity, Period, Centripetal Force

Gravity Visualised

How Do Satellites Get & Stay in Orbit?

Kepler’s First Law of Motion - Elliptical Orbits 

Kepler’s Second Law of Motion - Equal Area Equal Time Law

Kepler's Third Law of Motion - T2 ∝ R3

Monday 13 May 2019

Term 2 Week 3 2019


  • Ex 4A, p.100-102, C.O.M.
  • Ex 4B, p.108-112, Momentum & C.O.M. in 1D
  • Ex 4C, p.116-122, Momentum & C.O.M. in 2D
  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
  • Ex 4E, p. 138-142, Vertical Circles

Vertical Circular Motion

Vertical Circular Motion

Walter Lewin Vertical Circular Motion

Monday 6 May 2019

Term 2 Week 2 2019


  • Ex 4A, p.100-102, C.O.M.
  • Ex 4B, p.108-112, Momentum & C.O.M. in 1D
  • Ex 4C, p.116-122, Momentum & C.O.M. in 2D
  • Ex 4D, p.128-131, Banked Corners (Circular Motion)
Banked Corners

Circular Motion - Banked Curves

Car on a Banked Corner

Free body diagram sine and cosine components

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Term 2 Week 1 2019


  • Ex 4A, p.100-102, C.O.M.
  • Ex 4B, p.108-112, Momentum & C.O.M. in 1D
  • Ex 4C, p.116-122, Momentum & C.O.M. in 2D

Centre of Mass (C.O.M.)

Center of Mass - Science Theater 29

Center of Mass

Centre of Mass + Momentum

Collision and C.O.M.

Momentum Collision in 2 Dimensions

Momentum in 2D Explained Graphically

How Hard Can You Hit a Golf Ball?