Tuesday 28 August 2018

Term 3 Week 5 2018


  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d

  • Capacitor
    C = Q/V

    Basic Definition
    Physical Parameters
    Energy Stored
    Ep = ½ QV

    Capacitors & Capacitance

    An insulating material placed in between the capacitor plates to increase the Capacitance

    C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d

    Dielectrics in Capacitors

    Monday 27 August 2018

    Term 3 Week 4 2018

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws

  • Electrical Charge

    Current is the rate of flow of Charge

    I = Δq/Δt


    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    V = ΔE/Q

    Ohm's Law & Resistance


    Circuit Symbols

    Ohm's Law

    Ohm's Law

    Internal Resistance of a Battery
    Batteries can be thought of as having an ideal voltage supply E.M.F. (Electromotive Force) in series with an internal resistance

    V = 𝛆 - Ir

    How to find the internal resistance of a

    Kichhoff's Laws
    Kirchhoff’s Current Law
    At any junction in a circuit, the total current entering the junction equals the total current leaving the junction
    Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
    Around any closed path of a circuit, the total of all the potential differences, V, is zero

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Explanation

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 1

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 2

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 3

    Sunday 5 August 2018

    Term 3 Week 3 2018


  • Ex 3D, p.75-79, Standing Waves and Music
  • Ex 3E, p.81-84, Beats
  • Ex 3F, p. 87-96 Doppler Effect
  • Ex 3B, p. 57-62, Two Point Source Interference (Double Slit Experiment)

  • Beats

    two waves of a similar frequency (similar wavelength) superimpose to come in and out of phase causing constructive and deconstructive interference respectively. This causes a warbling/beat sound of frequency (fb) equal to the difference in respective frequencies

    fb = | f1 - f2 |

    Wave Beats

    Easy Beats- Physics

    Doppler Effect

    The Doppler Effect: what does motion do to waves?

    Doppler Effect

    Intro to the Doppler Effect

    Doppler Effect Observed Frequency Equation

    Sonic Boom

    Two Point Source Interference
    • Antinodes - Path Difference = n𝜆
    • Nodes - Path Difference = (n + 1/2)𝜆

    Two Point Source Interference

    n𝜆 = dsin(𝛳)
    n: Antinodal Fringe Number
    𝜆: Wavelength (m)
    d: Slit-Spacing (m)
    𝛳: Angle between Fringe on screen from the central position line
    Iff 𝛳 is very small, then
    n𝜆 = dx/L
    x: Distance from Fringe on screen to central position (m)
    L: Distance from slits to screen along the central position line (m)

    Wave-Particle Duality Applied to the Double Slit Experiment