Tuesday 27 March 2018

Term 1 Week 8 2018

Nuclear Debate

We need nuclear power to solve climate change | Joe Lassiter

Renewable Energy: Is the Future in Nuclear?: Gordon Aubrecht at 


Challenges in energy production - is nuclear a viable option? Thomas E. 


Term 1 Week 7 2018


  • Ex 11C Spectral Lines - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 11D Atomic Energy Levels - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 12 A E = mc2 - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 12 B Nuclear Reactions ESA Text (last week)
  • Green Chapter of your Workbook (Atomic & Nuclear Physics Revision)
Revision for the Atomic & Nuclear Assessment Week 8

Sunday 18 March 2018

Term 1 Week 6 2018


  • Ex 11C Spectral Lines - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 11D Atomic Energy Levels - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 12 A E = mc2 - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 12 B Nuclear Reactions ESA Text (last week)
  • Green Chapter of your Workbook (Atomic & Nuclear Physics Revision)
Revision for the Atomic & Nuclear Assessment Week 8

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission; splitting the atom for beginners

Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics #45

Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38

Nuclear Chemistry Part 2: Fusion and Fission - Crash Course Chemistry #39

Sunday 4 March 2018

Term 1 Week 5 2018


  • Ex 11C Spectral Lines - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 11D Atomic Energy Levels - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 12 A E = mc2 - ESA Text
  • Ex 12 B Nuclear Reactions ESA Text

Electron Volts to Joules Conversion

Mass? Energy? What's The Difference?!

Mass Defecit & Binding Energy

Where does the Sun get its Energy?

Binding Energy per Nucleon

Mass per Nucleon

Mass deficit and binding energy in FUSION

Mass deficit and binding energy in FISSION

Einstein's Proof of E=mc²

Why is Light the Fastest Thing?

Term 1 Week 4 2018


  • Ex 11A Waves & Photons - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 11B The Photoelectric Effect - ESA Text (last week)
  • Ex 11C Spectral Lines - ESA Text
  • Ex 11D Atomic Energy Levels - ESA Text