Sunday 9 September 2018

Term 3 Week 7 2018

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge
  • Ex 6H, p.303-305 Faraday's Law, 𝜺 = - Δ𝛟/Δt

  • Right Hand Screw Rule

    Right Hand Slap Rule

    Magnetic Flux

    Lenz's Law

    Faraday;'s Law & Lenz's Law

    Term 3 Week 6 2018

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p.289-292 Capacitor Networks (Series & Parallel)
  • Ex 6G, p.298-300 Capacitor Charge & Discharge

  • Capacitor Circuits

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel vs Capacitors in Series

    Capacitors in Combination
    Series & Parallel Capacitors

    Capacitors in Combination
    Patrallel & Series Capacitors

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating Voltage Drop

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating the Charge Stored

    Capacitors in Series
    Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating Voltage Drop

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating the Charge Stored

    Capacitors in Parallel
    Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

    Capacitor Charge & Discharge

    RC Circuits 1: Charging and Discharging a Capacitor

    Tuesday 28 August 2018

    Term 3 Week 5 2018


  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Ex 6D, p.277-280 Capacitors Ep = ½ QV
  • Ex 6E, p.283-284 Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d

  • Capacitor
    C = Q/V

    Basic Definition
    Physical Parameters
    Energy Stored
    Ep = ½ QV

    Capacitors & Capacitance

    An insulating material placed in between the capacitor plates to increase the Capacitance

    C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d

    Dielectrics in Capacitors

    Monday 27 August 2018

    Term 3 Week 4 2018

  • Ex 6A, p.251-254 Level 2 D.C. Circuit Revision
  • Ex 6B, p.261-261 Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p.267-272 Kirchhoff's Laws

  • Electrical Charge

    Current is the rate of flow of Charge

    I = Δq/Δt


    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

    V = ΔE/Q

    Ohm's Law & Resistance


    Circuit Symbols

    Ohm's Law

    Ohm's Law

    Internal Resistance of a Battery
    Batteries can be thought of as having an ideal voltage supply E.M.F. (Electromotive Force) in series with an internal resistance

    V = 𝛆 - Ir

    How to find the internal resistance of a

    Kichhoff's Laws
    Kirchhoff’s Current Law
    At any junction in a circuit, the total current entering the junction equals the total current leaving the junction
    Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
    Around any closed path of a circuit, the total of all the potential differences, V, is zero

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Explanation

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 1

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 2

    Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 3

    Sunday 5 August 2018

    Term 3 Week 3 2018


  • Ex 3D, p.75-79, Standing Waves and Music
  • Ex 3E, p.81-84, Beats
  • Ex 3F, p. 87-96 Doppler Effect
  • Ex 3B, p. 57-62, Two Point Source Interference (Double Slit Experiment)

  • Beats

    two waves of a similar frequency (similar wavelength) superimpose to come in and out of phase causing constructive and deconstructive interference respectively. This causes a warbling/beat sound of frequency (fb) equal to the difference in respective frequencies

    fb = | f1 - f2 |

    Wave Beats

    Easy Beats- Physics

    Doppler Effect

    The Doppler Effect: what does motion do to waves?

    Doppler Effect

    Intro to the Doppler Effect

    Doppler Effect Observed Frequency Equation

    Sonic Boom

    Two Point Source Interference
    • Antinodes - Path Difference = n𝜆
    • Nodes - Path Difference = (n + 1/2)𝜆

    Two Point Source Interference

    n𝜆 = dsin(𝛳)
    n: Antinodal Fringe Number
    𝜆: Wavelength (m)
    d: Slit-Spacing (m)
    𝛳: Angle between Fringe on screen from the central position line
    Iff 𝛳 is very small, then
    n𝜆 = dx/L
    x: Distance from Fringe on screen to central position (m)
    L: Distance from slits to screen along the central position line (m)

    Wave-Particle Duality Applied to the Double Slit Experiment