Phy 3.1 AS 91521 this week This work around on how to get individual errors bars on Sheets is clunky but it works. It will exclude the trend line function though
Linear Momentum times the radius distance between the point mass and the axis of rotation
Momentum: Rotational Linear
Equation: L = I⍵P = mv
Units: kgm2s-1 kgms-1
Rotational Momentum and Linear Momentum have different units so they cannot be equated with each other and are independent of each other.
Rotational Momentum obeys the same law of conservation that Linear Momentum obeys. In the absence of outside forces, total momentum is always conserved.
Conservation of Angular Momentum in the ISS
Mechanics 2015 Question 3 on Cats & Gravity (Conservation of Angular Momnetum L=Iω)
Rotational Kinetic Energy and Linear Kinetic Energy have the same unitso they can be equated with each other and are interdependent on each other.
The law of conservation of total energy can be applied with all types of energy. You will be using mostly gravitational potential, linear kinetic, and rotational kinetic energies.