Tuesday 24 October 2017

Term 4 Week 1 2017

RCL Phase Relationships

Impedance of a Capacitor Resistor Circuit
Z = √(XC2 + R2)
θ = tan-1(-XC/R) = tan-1(-VC/VR)
The Capacitor Reactance is 90° behind the Resistance
The Capacitor Voltage is 90° behind the Resistor Voltage

Impedance of a Inductor Resistor Circuit
Z = √(XL2 + R2)
θ = tan-1(XL/R) = tan-1(VL/VR)
The Inductor Reactance is 90° ahead of the Resistance
The Inductor Voltage is 90° ahead of the Resistor Voltage

Impedance of a RCL Circuit
Z = √((XL - XC)2+ R2)
θ = tan-1((XL - XC)/R) = tan-1((VL - VC)/VR)


A.C. Circuits & Resonance

MIT Physics Demo -- Resonant RLC Circuit

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Term 3 Week 7 2017


  • Ex 6D, p. 277-280, Capacitors Q = CV                                                               &       Ep = ½ CV2
  • Ex 6E, p. 283-284, Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p. 289-292 Capacitor Networks
  • Ex 6G, p. 289-300 Charging & Discharging a Capacitor

Charging & Discharging A Capacitor

Sunday 3 September 2017

Term 3 Week 6 2017


  • Ex 6D, p. 277-280, Capacitors Q = CV                                                               &       Ep = ½ CV2
  • Ex 6E, p. 283-284, Capacitors C = 𝜺r𝜺oA/d
  • Ex 6F, p. 289-292 Capacitor Networks


Basic Definition
Physical Parameters
Energy Stored

Capacitors & Capacitance

Capacitor Circuits

Capacitors in Series
Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

Capacitors in Parallel
Calculating Voltage Charge and Total Capacitance

Capacitors in Parallel vs Capacitors in Series

Capacitors in Combination
Series & Parallel Capacitors

Capacitors in Combination
Patrallel & Series Capacitors

Capacitors in Series
Calculating Voltage Drop

Capacitors in Series
Calculating the Charge Stored

Capacitors in Series
Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

Capacitors in Parallel
Calculating Voltage Drop

Capacitors in Parallel
Calculating the Charge Stored

Capacitors in Parallel
Calculating the Equivalent Capacitance

Capacitor Dielectric

Dielectrics in Capacitors

Term 3 Week 5 2017


  • Ex 6B, p.200-201, Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p. 205-214, Kirchhoff's Laws

Kirchhoff's Current Law

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law

The sum of voltages around any loop is zero

Kirchhoff's Laws Worked Example

Thursday 24 August 2017

Term 3 Week 4 2017


  • Ex 6A, p.188-196, Electricity Fundamentals
  • Ex 6B, p.200-201, Internal Resistance of a Battery
  • Ex 6C, p. 205-214, Kirchhoff's Laws

Electrical Charge

Current is the rate of flow of Charge

I = Δq/Δt


Voltage (Potential Difference) is the change in energy (work done) to each coulomb of charge between two points on a circuit, or two points across an electric field

Circuit Symbols

Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law

Internal Resistance of a Battery
Batteries can be thought of as having an ideal voltage supply E.M.F. (Electromotive Force) in series with an internal resistance

V = 𝛆 - Ir

How to find the internal resistance of a

Kichhoff's Laws
Kirchhoff’s Current Law
At any junction in a circuit, the total current entering the junction equals the total current leaving the junction
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Around any closed path of a circuit, the total of all the potential differences, V, is zero

Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Explanation

Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 1

Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 2

Kirchhoff's Rules for Circuit Analysis - Example 3

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Term 3 Week 3 2017


  • Ex 3A, p. 50-53 Basic Wave Properties
  • Ex 3B, p. 57-63 Two Point Source Interference
  • Ex 3C, p. 66-70 Multi Point Source Interference

Two Point Source Interference

n𝜆 = dsin(𝛳)

Wave-Particle Duality Applied to the Double Slit Experiment

Diffraction Grating of White Light 
(Multi-Point Source Interference)

Green vs White Light Diffraction

Thin Film Interference
Making Colour with Holes

Visible Spectrum

Why Maths is Important to Understanding the Universe